Three Prayers of Preparation

There are many ways to approach Sunday service. Whether you are a part of a team that plans collaboratively, flying solo, following the liturgical Church calendar, or reinventing the wheel weekly. Regardless of the methodology, there are three questions - three prayers - which I have found to be helpful in the time of preparation for a service:

God, what are You saying through Your Word?

Spend time in the text. Read through the passage that will be preached - read the whole chapter, understand the context, fill up your mind and heart with the Word of God before you ever pick up an instrument, or choose songs. Ask God to illuminate His Word through His Spirit to you as you read, meditate, pray, and plan. Speak to your pastor, what are the points of the sermon? If the pastor has one thing they want the people to remember from the sermon, what would it be?

God, what do You want to say to Your people?

Scripture tells us, ‘Who can know the mind of God?’ Romans 11:34. Preparation should never lead to a rigid assumption. ‘God, I’ve got this, I read the passage, I know what You want to say here.’ No. We must continue to be led by the Spirit, listen, and respond to His voice in our preparation as well in the moments during the service. Preparation gives us the freedom to respond to the Spirit, wherever He may lead.

God, what do Your people need to say to You?
The first two prayers should guide the third. What is God saying through His Word and desiring to say to His people? Now, we prayerfully consider how He should lead us as a people to respond. What are the songs we need to sing, the Scripture which needs to be read, the liturgical elements to incorporate, or the ways we need to lead? What is happening within the life of the Body, the community, country, and world? How do we help give language to those who are hurting as well as those who are rejoicing?

Preparing to lead worship is more than choosing songs and keys. Preparation can be just as prayerful and worshipful as the actual worship gathering. If your preparation for Sunday could use some prompting, you can download my free Worship Leader Weekly Checklist here.