
Recommended Reading [Part 6]

These are books that have challenged and encouraged me over the past year. I hope you’ll find some that can be useful to you as well:

Beholding - Strahan Coleman

We lead out of who we are. One of the things I appreciated about this book was how it encourages becoming - growing in our experience of God. We become what we behold.

The Secret Place of Thunder - John Starke

John is a great writer, and I have found his writing on prayer particularly helpful. But the tagline alone is worth the cost of the book: ‘Trading our need to be noticed for a hidden life with Christ.’ Whether we stand on large platforms in front of many people, or in the corner at the front of a small room - we are all easily tempted to trade hiddenness for being noticed.

Honest Worship - Manuel Luz

Manuel articulated some of the things I have wrestled with the past several years: How to have deep formation in our gatherings with creativity and musical excellence—the intersection of ancient practice with modern context. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed and appreciated this book.

A Church Called Tov - Scot McKnight, Laura Barringer

We are either working toward beauty, goodness, and truth, or we are drifting toward the opposite. Whether you are on staff at a church, serving as a volunteer, or attending as a member, each of us can - and should - work toward creating a culture of goodness within our churches. This book will likely become perennial reading for me.

Recommended Reading [Part Five]

Reading does not just form our minds and grow our knowledge, but it has the ability to stir our affections, and fuel worship in our lives. These few books have done both of those things for me:

God On Mute - Pete Greig

Does anyone feel like they are hitting a home run in their prayer life? I have read several of Greig’s books over the past few years, and I love how deeply he understands and values prayer, and how accessible he makes the invitation to believers to engage with God. Side note, I use the Lectio365 prayer app daily! It has been so helpful in the way I speak, and shape times of corporate prayer.

Be Thou My Vision - Jonathan Gibson

This was the book I gifted my team for Christmas in 2022. Devotional rhythms that are tied not to devotional writing, but liturgical rhythms are a beautiful way of being able to shape the whole of lives around the story of God.

Engaging God - David G. Peterson

This is not light reading. But I think that this book will help you as you consider creating a philosophy of worship.

Living the Christian Year - Bobby Gross

I love the Church calendar. I have found it incredibly helpful, and moving in my own life, as well as my approach to leading and serving in my local church. I have observed that most people either have no familiarity with the church calendar, or grew up around the church calendar, but do not have a clear grasp on its beauty and intentionality. I appreciate the descriptions of the seasons and the readings that are included in this book.