
Quotes [Part 4]

I like to spread out my ‘quotes’ posts - but these were too good to hold on to for much longer!


“In many ways, worship is theology in motion.”


“Modern worship bands not only need to be extraordinarily talented musicians, young, and beautiful, but their live events employ multimedia to keep your attention as well. Now church service compete with concert-level staging, lighting, special effects, and films. The terrible, unspoken assumption creeping in is this: if you’re going to find God, if you’re going to have more of God, it’s going to come through some amazing experience, something totally wild and over the top. Or we think that once we have God, the proof will be an over-the-top life. Not true. So unhelpful, and immensely unkind. This expectation actually makes those deeper experiences of God seem inaccessible for most of us.”


“We have the idea that we can dedicate our gifts to God. However, you cannot dedicate what is not yours. There is actually only one thing you can dedicate to God, and that is your right to yourself. If you will give God your right to yourself, He will make a holy experiment out of you - and His experiments always succeed.”


“Worship does God’s story! In worship, we remember God’s story in the past and anticipate God’s story in the future.”

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Quotes [Part 3]

More than bite-size inspiration, I hope these quotes will be words that you can turn over, and over in your heart and mind as you move into this weekend:


God carries us. Appreciation for this is the secret of our priestly energy and active life.


The more gifted you are, the more power and talent you have, the more good you may find you can do in the world - but also, the more harm you can do. And the path that you will follow depends upon whose mind you have. Will you follow your own mind? Or do you have the mind of Christ Jesus, who did not grasp his rightful equality with God, but emptied himself? Great good or great harm depends on this. Especially if you recognize yourself as naturally ambitious, put pride to death before disaster happens, whether that be slow or subtle or swift and catastrophic.


And ministers frequently find themselves in fierce competition with people and institutions who offer something more exciting to do that they do. But our task is the opposite of distraction. Our task is to help people concentrate on the real but often hidden event of God’s active presence in their lives. Hence, the question that must guide all organizing activist in a parish is not how to keep people busy, but how to keep them from being so busy that they can no longer hear the voice of God who speaks in silence.


Our rhythms become our everyday liturgy, the sacred cadence of the hours that reorient our tired souls.

Quotes [Part 2]

As we were finding our feet in the new year, I posted a handful of quotes I hoped would help in the process. Not just a bit over the halfway point through this year, I’m sharing some more. I hope these quotes will inspire you for the next six months and beyond.


Worship services are… ground zero for spiritual formation.


You cannot be Christ’s servant if you are not willing to follow Him, cross and all. What do you crave? A crown? Then it must be a crown of thorns if you are to be like Him. Do you want to be lifted up? So you shall, but it will be upon a cross.


Nothing on earth will put us at greater risk of divine wonders than worship.


The power of singing was given to us chiefly for this, that our warmest affections might break out into melody.


The music must not turn the church into an audience enjoying the music but into a congregation singing the Lord's praises in His presence.

Quotes [Part 1]

A full week into a new year. As you find your feet, I hope these quotes inspire your heart, shape your imagination, and fuel your worship:


Praise is the culmination of our enjoyment of anything.


Songs of faith are teaching tools, and effective ones. In an age of widespread biblical/theological illiteracy, leaders must choose those songs with care. Many who will sing them under our leadership are spiritual infants. Imagine if the lyrics of the ABC song were 85% accurate.


All services without heart-service are unprofitable and vain.


We need to have songs which are not only honorable but also holy. They should spur us on to prayer and the praise of God, to meditation on his works, so that we love, fear, honor and glorify him.

In true worship the believer exercises faith and repentance as he meets with God according to His Word and grows in grace.

Singing has a great force and vigor to move and inflame the hearts of men to invoke and praise God with a more vehement and ardent zeal.