Learning To Lead During COVID-19

Leading worship can be complex in the best of times. And every one of us has been navigating a new level of complexity with COVID-19. Learning how to plan, prepare, and lead worship to a camera, or with a handful of faces in the room can feel foreign and uncomfortable.

I continue to learn about myself, the Church, and what it means to lead people in worship of God through song during this stretch of continued uncertainty. Here are four things I’ve had to remind myself in this season:

Our responsibility has not changed…

Leading corporate worship is giving people voice, language, words, and space to bring their full selves to God. To be reminded of who He is, what He’s done, what He is doing, and who we are in light of His character. To lead well, but must first be led by the Holy Spirit - sensitive and obedient to the ways in which He is moving in the hearts and lives of the people we lead, in our city, state, nation, and world.

Lead from the secret place…

Something about leading worship in an empty room felt familiar to me - it was the secret place. Those early days of learning to worship, learning to lead, learning songs, and enjoying simple presence with and before God. I believe that it is possible to lead worship in this present moment, from a heart that was cultivated in the sweet, simple, secret place of prayer and worship.

Be aware of the need…

Singing around a television feels as foreign to church members as leading worship to a camera feels to those of us leading in song. And life, in general, feels unstable, scary, and overwhelming. One of the ways I think we can best serve our people in this season is anchoring them in Scripture and prayer. Read scripture together, pray together, give people space to be present to God, point them to the Rock that is higher than I (Psalm 61:2).

Press in…

Do not give in to the temptation to be half-hearted, or simply move through the motions. Do not let discouragement, anxiety, or disillusionment birth apathy. Continue to bring your full self to God, and to the work of leading and serving His people.

What are you learning about leading during COVID?