Ten Yearly Questions

As 2022 comes to a close, it can be helpful to remember, celebrate, and reevaluate. I don’t know about you, but there is something about the end of a year that draws me toward reflection and vision more than any other time of the year. But often I need parameters that help shape the questions I ask, the way I consider the previous year, and the things I hope, pray, and dream for the next. That is one of the reasons I found Mike Cosper’s Ten Yearly Questions he shared on the Doxology and Theology podcast so helpful:

1. Who is here?

2. Who needs to be here?

3. Who has been here before us?

4. Is it comprehensible?

5. Is it with the cost?

6. Is it true?

7. Who is the hero of the service?

8. Is it participatory?

9. Does it speak to rich and poor alike?

10. Does it prepare people for their encounter with death?

What questions are you asking as you remember, celebrate, and reevaluate?