Tuesday Refocus: August 15

“Lament will not allow us to revert to the easy answers.” - Soong Chan-Rah

Our church has been studying the Gospel of Mark this year. Throughout the book we see glimpses of the humanity of Jesus grieved over sin and death. Jesus weeps, groans, and sighs as he encounters the brokenness wrought by sin in the world and on people made in the image of God.

We are so quick to avoid pain and suffering. We numb, distract, ignore, and brush past the brokenness of the world. And when we are left without option we even use Scripture to shield ourselves: “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

Of course this passage is true. But isn’t it interesting that Jesus never settles for Bible bandaids? We see in Scripture that he enters into the suffering of others, even though he knows he will heal, restore, and reconcile people. Jesus - though fully God and fully man - gives voice to the pain of the world, and people.

People are limited in our ability to heal, but by entering into the suffering of others (rather than avoiding, or Bible-bandaiding) we can give presence and peace that glimpses Christ for others. And as we enter in, we can celebrate that Christ has come to enter into the suffering of the world by taking our sin upon Himself at the cross (1 Peter 2:24). And we can look with hope, longing, and expectation to the day where he will return to wipe every tear, and set all things right (Rev 21:1-4).

Jesus, give us the courage to enter into the suffering of the world. In Your name we pray, amen.
