Tuesday Refocus: May 30

“You will never have time for prayer; you must make time.” - Richard Foster

How easily our prayers become repeated phrased before a meal. Things we say under our breath as we feel anxiety rise up within us. But what is prayer is more than words we mindlessly utter, and more about presence with and to the One who is present everywhere, all the time?

Can we still and quiet our mind, so that like Jacob we may say, ‘Surely the LORD is in this place, and I did not know it (Gen 28:16).’ Or what if like Samuel, our prayers were less about speaking and more about listening to the One who speaks - ‘Speak, LORD, for your servant hears (1 Sam 3:9).’

In speaking, silence, and presence - our prayers are to be unceasing (1 These 5:17). May we make time for speaking, make space for silence, and become aware of the presence of the Lord in this day.

Lord, draw near and speak, for we desire to listen. Lord, incline your ear, for we desire to confess. Lord, let the morning bring us word of your unfailing love. In Christ’s name, amen.
