September 20: Tuesday Refocus

“May I seek after an increase of divine love to thee, after unreserved resignation to thy will.” - Puritan Prayer

Love and surrender walk hand-in-hand. Because sacrifice is an indication of the depth of love: “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13

If we truly understood the depths of God’s mercy, we would have no hesitation in offering ourselves as a spiritual act of worship (Romans 12:1). If we saw how deeply Christ had served us, we would wholeheartedly serve others (Matthew 20:28). If we knew that God first loved us, how constant we would love in response (1 John 4:19).

“Take my will and make it Thine; 

it shall be no longer mine. 

Take my heart, it is Thine own; 

it shall be Thy royal throne.

Take my love, my Lord, I pour

At Thy feet its treasure store.

Take myself, and I will be

Ever, only all for Thee.”

Frances R. Havergal (1836-1879)

May it be so, Lord. Surrender and love are the obvious outward of Your generous love towards us as Your people. In Christ’s name, amen.

Ever, only, all for Thee,