
The Most Important Part Of The Gathering

What is the most important part of the worship gathering?

My Anglican friends would likely say the Eucharist.

My extroverted friends would likely say the time of fellowship.

My musical friends would likely say sung worship.

My worship-leading friends would likely say sung worship as well.

My reformed, gospel-centered friends would likely say the preached word of God.

Most pastors would likely say the sermon.

My charismatic friends would likely say what is unexpected, or surprising.

Whether we realize it or not, every portion of our corporate gatherings is formative. We are shaped in subtle and significant ways by years of repetition. What we emphasize, and where we place the most resources (time in the service, staff, money, etc) is likely what the churches we serve value most. But if everything portion of our gathering is retelling the gospel story, if every part of our gathering is intentionally placed to form our people, then each component has a role to play in the importance of our formation.

What is the most important part of the corporate gathering? It all is important.

November 26: Tuesday Refocus

‘Woe to the reckless soul who departs from God hoping to find something better than Him in the very things He has created.’ - Augustine


There is a rich young ruler in us all. Walking away sorrowful when God does not answer how we expect (Lk 18:18-30).  

We walk away from the Creator, hoping to find the answers we seek in creation.  We scour the earth only to realize we have exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images of created things (Rom 1:23).

But nothing created can bear the weight of our worship.

And there can only be two responses to this reality: we turn back and no longer walk with Him, or we say ‘Lord, to whom shall we go?’ (Jn 6:66-68)

Lord, You have the words of eternal life, forgive us when we seek life apart from You.  We love You, in Your name, amen.

Walking together,