
Tuesday Refocus: January 31

“To fold one’s hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against the disorder of the world.” - Karl Barth

Scripture tells us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Can there be any other response when we recognize that we are engaged in a battle that is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, authorities, cosmic powers over this present darkness, against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12)? We are people who live in humble dependence for our very breath (Acts 17:25).

If our very breath is a need we cannot supply in our own strength, how much more do we need to be people to are anxious for nothing but pray about everything (Philippians 4:6-7)?

When I pray, I acknowledge my dependence on God both to God and to myself. When I fail to pray I acknowledge my attempts at self-sufficiency both to God and to myself.

Lord, may prayer be the language of my dependence upon you. May it be the beginning of an uprising in the disorder of my own heart, and life, and in the world. Let it be so, amen.
