Leadership Growth

Leadership is important. Just look at the top sellers on Amazon and the most downloaded on your favorite podcasting app. We all carry some level of responsibility and influence and are trying to figure out how to steward those things to become a blessing, rather than a curse on those we serve.

I’m not a leadership expert. I have not written a book on the topic, or hosted a podcast. But there are a few questions I ask myself regularly to help gauge where my team may be situated under my leadership:

Are there more leaders here than when I started? This is not the Aaron show. I want to constantly be working to raise up other leaders. Whether that is someone who can build a set list, run a rehearsal, lead a band, or lead the congregation. Or if that simply means that people are seeing themselves as worship leaders not just musicians, vocalists, and sound or production volunteers.

Are people growing in their knowledge and discipleship with the Lord? Are the people I am serving alongside increasingly looking and leading like Jesus? Or am I so focused on equipping them musically and practically, I am failing to invest in their hearts and lives and point them toward Christ?

Am I calling forth the gifts of others? Those leaders who have - and continue - to have the most significant impact on my life have been the leaders who called out and forth gifting I didn’t know I possessed. Am I looking for people that have heart, skill, passion, and potential that they may overlook in their own lives that I can fan into flame for the glory of God and their good?

Am I giving away leadership and authority? This is one part of raising up leaders, and another part of guarding my own heart against being too precious and possessive of a role, title, or responsibility.

Are the people I lead increasingly buying into the vision and direction? This means that not only do I need to have vision and direction, but I need to clearly and repeatedly articulate those truths to the team, and allow them to equally shape and be shaped as we serve together.

What are the ways you know that you are growing in your leadership?