Tuesday Refocus: January 24

“The day is coming when there shall be a congregation that shall never break up, and a Sabbath that shall never end, a song of praise that shall never cease, and an assembly that shall never be dispersed.” - J.C. Ryle

On this side of eternity, we see everything in part. Everything is as though looking through a dim glass (1 Corinthians 13:9-12). This is the place where familiarity and ache collide as we recognize our citizenship is another kingdom (Philippians 3:20). 

This is the place where we say ‘Come quickly, Lord Jesus.’ 

This is the place where we cry ’Save us!’

Here all things are fractured and yet still reflect a sense of glory - a sense of what has been and what will be.

So we give ourselves to the Bride knowing that the Groom will soon return. We rest knowing that one day our labor will be joy and fulfillment. We sing today knowing that one day there will be a new song, an everlasting song of praise to our God. We stand shoulder to shoulder week after week with those against whom we sin, and who have sinned against us knowing that one day our lives will no longer bear the marks of pain we have experienced or inflicted.

God, for that day we live with expectation and hope. May we practice now what will give us a glimpse, and a taste of what will one day be. Hallelujah, amen.

With expectation,