Embodied Worship

We know that worship is more than a song. That in fact worship is the offering of our whole lives in response to God. And throughout Scripture, specifically the Psalms we see that worship is expressed through our bodies:

Singing (Psalm 9:11).

Dancing (Psalm 149:3).

Playing Instruments (Psalm 150:4).

Bowing your head in worship (Psalm 95:6).

Clapping your hands (Psalm 47:1).

Shouting (Psalm 66:1).

Being silent (Psalm 62:5).

Raising up your hands (Psalm 134:2).

Maybe these outward expressions of embodied worship do not represent the body of believers you serve, your church background, or your theological bent. But perhaps we who declare worship as more than a song need to acknowledge that the praise of God must be embodied as much as it is sung.

“Let everything that has breath praise the LORD! Praise the LORD!” Psalm 150:6