February 16: Tuesday Refocus

“Problems patiently endured will work for our spiritual perfecting.” - A.W. Tozer

On the Eve of this Lenten season, we can agree we have lived in a perpetual state of Lent the past year. Fasting from and withholding of much of the goodness and sweetness we have come to recognize within our lives.  Our hearts have grown sick and weary for the hope deferred (Proverbs 13:12), as we have longed for things to be different.

Scripture says: ‘For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen.  For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.’ 2 Corinthians 4:17-18

Suffering this side of eternity is real, deep, and painful.  You may run, but you will never outrun suffering’s global and local, universal and personal reach.  But when we run to suffering and remain steadfast, we will be perfected and complete, lacking nothing (Jam 1:4).  We follow the example of the Suffering Servant, the Man of sorrows who was acquainted with grief, who for the Joy that was set before Him endured the cross, completing His work (Is 53, Heb 12:2).

We are only able to embrace suffering when we see that it is accomplishing something deeper, and richer within us… and that may not be seen or experienced this side of eternity, but there?  Beyond all comparison.

Lord, as we enter into this intentional time of remembrance and removal, may we look to You.  May we be captivated and filled with the reality of who You are and what You have accomplished.  You who patiently endured, You who delighted to do Your Father’s will, You who lived among us, died for us, have been raised, are seated at the right hand of the Father, and will return again.  In Your name, Jesus, amen.

To Lent,