January 11: Tuesday Refocus

‘You called, you cried, you shattered my deafness. You sparkled, you blazed, you drove away my blindness.  You shed your fragrance, and I drew in my breath, and I pant for You. I tasted and now hunger and thirst.  You touched me, and now I burn with longing for Your peace.’ - St Augustine

Have you tasted and seen that the Lord is good (Ps 34:8)?

Have you experienced how He satisfies the desire of every living thing (Ps 145:16)?

Out of the season of Advent, we remember that God is a God who draws near (Jn 1:14).  He is not far removed, or unknowable, but One who desires to be known, and have His people draw near.  Perhaps there is no greater aim of our lives in 2022 than to draw near to the One who has first drawn near to us (James 4:8).

God, reveal yourself to me this year.  Give me eyes to see, ears to hear, a heart to know, and a life of obedience that follows You. In the name of Christ, amen.
