O Antiphons: Advent Devotional

Advent is an invitation to give voice to the longing.

The word Advent means arrival or coming. As followers of Christ, we live between two Advents: the first arrival of Christ as a baby, to rescue His people through His life, death, and resurrection, and His second arrival to rule and reign as King, eternally. As the people of Israel longed for rescue from their Messiah, so we too long for His return. And during the season of Advent, we give voice to those longings.

Beginning on Sunday for four weeks leading up to Christmas Day, we celebrate the season of Advent - the season of Christ's coming. There is no mention of Advent in Scripture, and it is not a Biblical command to observe or celebrate. But practices and celebrations of the Advent season are traced as early as the First Century Church. The intention of Advent is not to orient our hearts for Christmas, but toward Christ. Rather than the Christmas season being ordered by the monthly calendar, Advent marks time 'through Gods saving events,' says Robert Webber.

2020 has been disorienting. Maybe stepping into the celebration of Advent will allow your heart, mind, and life to be reoriented around the longing for the return of our Savior and King. He came as a baby so that He could return one day to wipe every tear, and set all things right. He has come, and He is coming again - the Joy of every longing heart.


This Advent devotional is based around Seven Antiphonal chants, The O Antiphons. Each antiphon represents a name of Christ, an attribute of His character given in the book of Isaiah. Benedictine Monks would chant these antiphons beginning with a long ‘Oh’ expressing the desire and longing for Christ - His first Advent, and His second. Traditionally, the O Antiphons were sung during evening services the seven days leading up to Christmas Eve. This devotional has been arranged with a short devotional reading and Scripture every Sunday and Tuesday in Advent. The week of Christmas begins with a Blue Christmas reflection. For those struggling to find hope and joy during this season. Followed by reading from the Gospel of Luke leading up to Christmas Day. I hope this devotional will ready your heart for the Advent of Christ - His first coming and His second. You can follow the blog during the season for each devotional, or download a free PDF of the complete Advent Devotional here.

11/29 - O SAPENTIA

12/1 - O ADONAI



12/13 - O ORIENS


12/20 - O EMMANUEL


12/22 - LUKE 1:1-38

12/23 - LUKE 1:39-80

12/24 - LUKE 2:1-21

12/25 - LUKE 2:22-40