October 29: Tuesday Refocus

‘Strengthen me that I may cling to Thee.’ – The Valley of Vision


In fear I reach for talent, experience, career, or others to be a firm foundation, only to find all things created collapse under the weight of my need.


It is only through faith that I do not cling to myself, but am led to the Rock that is higher than I (Ps 61:2).


By faith I know I am not an orphan but an heir (Rom 8:17).

By faith I know I am never forsaken, for He is always with me (Heb 13:5).

By faith I know I am not forgotten, but the beloved of God (Eph 5:1).

By faith I know I am saved (Rom 10:9).


Faith is a gift from God (Eph 2:8-9). 

And in it’s strengthening I loosen my grip on the created, and cling to the Uncreated One.

Lord, thank You that our faith in You is never put to shame.  Help us hold fast, and walk closely by faith in You this week. In Christ name, amen.

In faith,