
Review: The Independent Artist's Guide To Exceptional Income

Noisetrade is one of my favorite artist discovery sites.  If you're unfamiliar, artists can upload their music for free, and give it away to fans in exchange for their email address.  Which we'll talk about in a later post.

But recently Noisetrade added a books section to their site where you can download both written and audiobooks on a whole range of subjects.  And here is one that you should pick up:

the independent artist's guide to exceptional income

Short, practical, and easy to follow.  This is a great listen from someone who is just like many artists, attempting to make a living by telling their story.  Williams helps artists process their unique opportunity, organize and plan their time for maximum effectiveness, grow in areas of existing strength while stepping into unfamiliar terrain, and finally how to be able to turn that into a career that is self-sustaining.  

Get it 'The Independent Artist's Guide To Exceptional Income' here!  And then let's talk about how you can practically apply those steps to your unique voice as an artist to tell your story.  Email me here.